12 April 2009

So, the Easter Bunny apparently reads my blog...

I turned up at my folks' house for Easter dinner today and lo and behold, the Bunny had left this for me. :) "He" apparently is a loyal blog follower and saw my reference to my "first" camera and was able to locate the very one I was talking about immediately. =D All these years later! (Ah, behold one of the benefits of being an only child... haha.)

So, if you didn't happen to start out with this beauty, you can see the hi-tech "sensor."

And yes, the compartment for the CF card's predecessor...

Oh the excitement waiting for them to "develop"!!!

Wait, I don't remember taking these?!

=) Hope you all had wonderful holidays... the Bunny did stuff me with food and chocolate, too. Thanks Easter Bunny! ;)


  1. Awwww, the Easter Bunny is fantastic!
    I love it. That camera is so great. Toys back then were so wonderful.

    :) HAPPY EASTER - a day later!

  2. Love this post! Great job finding the camera!

  3. How fun!! I love childhood memories...it is so much fun to stumble on old toys like these...Glad you had a nice holiday.

  4. So cute - the Easter Bunny sure is smart! :-) Isn't it so fun to see your old toys. . .ahh the memories. . . :-)

  5. Julia - those are excellent photos - beautiful :)

  6. oh my gosh. that totally takes me back! How cute is that!? I hope my little boy gets to have cool toys like that. I keep telling everyone, nothing battery operated!!! I want to hear him making his own sounds instead of the noises of these crazy toys today. Ahh...the throw backs :)

  7. That's awesome!!! I love childhood toys especially camera one ;-)

  8. AMAZING cuz i want one too!!!!!!!
