27 March 2009

::: Family Resemblances :::

The photos we've been coming across cleaning out my grandmother's house are like buried treasure to me. As I've mentioned before, I've never really seen any photos like these, so each one is a new surprise.

This is a photo of my great-grandmother for whom I was named, Julia Harrison (my full name!), and her siblings. I know nothing about any of them, but you can pretty much guess she's the one in the bottom left. =)

If you know me in person, it's sort of uncanny. =) Granted, I don't think I've ever scowled at a camera in my life... nor do I think I ever ever look as irritated as she does. Though my mother would probably say I gave her that look a few times as a teenager. Haha!

What boggles my mind is how my grandmother, mother, and I all look exactly alike at all random stages of our lives. I had no idea it went beyond my grandmother to my great-grandmother! I can't wait to find more...


  1. All I can say is WOW! =)
    I love looking at old family pictures.

  2. big WOW on that one!!! that's amazing!

  3. Ridiculous! Awesome. And no, I can't say I have ever seen you with quite that look on your face. Of course, if you had been one of 6 kids, maybe you would have been a bit crankier! Love it!
