14 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day... from Grovie

A few weeks ago, I was out playing with Gretl in the snow. I broke out "the" mittens to shovel my walk and tossed them off when I needed to take pictures of Gretl being crazy. At one point, she did something super-silly and while I laughed, it made me sad too because she reminded me so much of Grover.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of him. But Gretl has somehow managed to inhabit his spirit. She is SO similar in so many ways (says a lot about nature vs. nurture!) =) But she's also her own crazy self. They would have loved each other. I wish they could have met.

As the tears welled up, and I went to shake them off, I looked down to grab my mittens, and saw a heart. My boy... saying hello. :)

Happy Valentine's Day from *all* of us. :)


  1. So sweet. We love you!

    Someone has a birthday tomorrow...... :)

  2. Oh. This just made my day. I swear--that Grover has sent you so many loving signs...it gets me every time. XO

  3. I LOVE your blog..!! ..and sweet Grover sending you love thoughts..!! you are amazing..! :o)

  4. i love your blog also...so sweet *hug*
