Two quick things that made me grin ear to ear tonight. It doesn't take much, I know... ;)
1. I love that my awesome 10 year old VW Beetle just got 550 miles to a tank of fuel. It still continues to kick butt after all these years. :)
2. I adore that my GPS actually told
me, a self-proclaimed Anglophile, to proceed through the "roundabout" tonight. Not the "traffic circle", not the "rotary". The
roundabout. I love nothing more than English chocolate, English beer, English actors and comedians, the English countryside, and my favorite place on earth, London. So, imagine my glee...
Oh, and how'd'ya like my Beetle icon?! Isn't it the best?
I know. I'm such a dork. Seriously. It takes very little to make me happy. =D