* An open Dairy Queen.
* Crocuses.
* Bunnies in the yard.
* Open windows.
* Crazy Shoreline traffic.
* The sudden realization of the desperate need for a pedicure.
* Back pain from rigorous spring cleaning and solo mattress flipping.
* A bulldog who refuses to come in, busy basking in the sun on the deck.
Ahhhh... all signs that it's officially Spring here in Connecticut!!!
Nothing original, but I still love to see the very few flowers and plants I have sprouting up! =) (And I love breaking out the extension tubes for macro stuff.)
And apparently, I live in an aviary. Or some freaky Alfred Hitchcock movie.
where is there an open Dairy Queen??? Take me there NOW! ha ha. i'm not looking forward to the shoreline traffic this year. I predict it will be the worst its ever been. I'm going to have to leave so early to get to weddings on Saturdays :P