09 June 2009

Essex Rotary Club Shad Bake ::: 2009

Just a couple snaps from this past weekend's Shad Bake! I'm going to shamelessly steal from my blog post from last year to explain this fun event:

Shad is the Connecticut State Fish. For the Shad Bake, the fillets are carefully de-boned, seasoned, and nailed to oak planks with roofing nails. Butter and a secret seasoning is applied (and salt pork I learned this year!), and then they are placed into a "Ring of Fire." (Cue the Shiny Lapels!) A Shad Bake is a very traditional New England thing...

Can you see the smoke billowing up to the sky?!

Some fun music provided by members of the Corinthian Yacht Club

Behold the Ring of Fire...

and the Fire Tender/Fish Flipper and his trusty clipboard.

There was an obscene amount of fish.

Eeek!! Good thing he's a pro. ;)



Not sure if this looks appetizing to someone who wasn't there? It's pretty yummy!

Removing the nails

We were Shad Paparazzi, I guess.

A couple people bring their antique cars along for the day out, and I thought would make for some neat pics.

Even the pooches came out to enjoy the day!

And love a wee taste of beer. Ha!

And just because I loved this from last year... (they didn't have it up this time around!)

Click here for the link to the remainder of the pics. =)

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