23 January 2009

::: 2009 Goals :::

So, it's January 23rd and I've finally gotten around to drawing up some goals for myself. I hadn't laid out any for myself last year, which was a good thing, because I ended up traveling down a completely different road than I expected! =) I flipped on the cruise control and went with it. And it was THE BEST. I experienced more, learned more, and grew more than I ever have.

But this year, I'm giving myself a little more structure - I need to keep challenging myself. I'm sure a lot of these are old hat to many of you. =) I'm a HUGE list girl, and writing them down means I will refer to them constantly.

Special thanks to the presenters at Mystic4 last weekend whose nuggets of wisdom stuck with me: Anne Ruthmann, Michelle Turner, Ben Chrisman, George Weir, and David Murray.


1) Reign in your overshooting.

2) Actually physically delete CRAP. Don't feel compelled to keep every single image the camera recorded. There is absolutely no need to keep a photo of your own foot that is blurry and underexposed that you captured accidentally as you were putting your camera away. Dork.

3) Stick with your "vision" for an image even if your subject thinks you're weird or doesn't understand why on earth you're contorting yourself so.

4) Don't feel pressure to rush. Take your time to get the RIGHT shot - composed well, exposed well, where everyone/thing looks good - which in turn saves time post-processing and storage space! (Are you sensing a theme here?)

5) Stay unique.

Obviously, I also hope to participate in many workshops and seminars, and just keep learning from everyone around me. But that goes without saying, really!


  1. Julia- I love your 2009 goals (it made me giggle because umm... well, I save the RAW files from my children's mis-takes since last year. Yep. Gotta just press the Delete button on those :-)

  2. I feel like goals are SO important so congratulations for making yours!

  3. ahhh! i haven't made any goals yet!!! slacker!

    right on sister! STAY UNIQUE!!! words to live by.

  4. LOVE the goals but THERE is Grover :D Love him!

  5. Good stuff, there, Julia. I should copy and paste those on my own list! #2--hilarious. #3 and #4 are big for me. Hope to learn and grow along with you! =)
