26 January 2009

Why I became a photographer...

Well, am I a photographer? I struggle with this moniker daily. I don't consider myself a photographer. But I suppose I am given that I take pictures. And there's really no other way to title this post than to admit to myself that I am one.

I found this photo at my grandparents' house, like so many others. I am so lucky that both my parents were excellent photographers... and always had great equipment to play with. And that they encouraged and embraced all sorts of artsy-fartsy-ness. Of course, my dad and I had our dorky darkroom in the basement where I learned all about developing, enlarging, dodging and burning (the real way!). Ahhhh, the smells come back to me as I type. :)

So there he was, camera in hand, the day I was born. Just like a proud dad! Taking yet another amazing photo.

I hope to be able to capture moments like these so that people can have the same kinds of beautiful memories my family has all these years later.


  1. Oh how precious!
    So beautiful! You are lucky that you had such a moment captured that you can gaze at now.

    :) You were beautiful then too!

  2. you look JUST like your mom!!! okay, do the math for me...when is your birthday...February????? ha ha.

  3. What a beautiful moment to have! You were such a beautiful baby!

  4. I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon to tell you that you were one damn good-looking newborn! Holy smokes! And you are so, so lucky you have shots like these to cherish. I'm with Robin--you sure do have your Mom's smile!
