13 September 2008

Nashville Workshop ::: Part I

As previously mentioned, here is Part 1 of my trip down to Nashville. =)

This was our awesome model Talia.

Our group trekking around the spooky parking garage...

Pardon the horribly OOF photo, but I had to share our workshop leader Kate doing everything she could to get the lighting just right. :)

And our other adorable model, Kristen.

I do have to mention that I'm still working on a borrowed machine which isn't color calibrated... I'm praying/hoping the colors aren't too "off." =) And man, it's taking me twice as long to edit because the keyboard is just SLIIIIGHTLY different than mine... aggggh!


  1. MISS JULIA!! THESE ARE AMAZING! looooove the lighting on all of these! sexy shoe shot girlfriend. LOVE it!

  2. OMG--I am soooo behind on your blog! I have to come back in a day or two when I can really soak it up, but let me say for now--AWESOME! Looks like an excellent workshop and your images are killer. Woo-hoo!
